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Jordan Zabala

Edmonton, Canada

Mobile Developer

Front-end Developer

EBSCO Information Services

About ME

My name is Jordan Zabala; mobile and front-end developer. A motivated Mobile and front-end developer. I wish to craft and improve features that help thousands of startup founders.



It is a full-stack Node.js project with RESTful routing to allow user to create, read, update, delete campground information and Authentication.


Yelpcamp is an overview of using MEN stack(MongoDB, Express, and NodeJS). On the front-end I have used HTML5, CSS3, JAvascript and Bootstrap. The application was developed on Cloud9 IDE and source versioned with GIT.The application is deployed on Heroku servers and MongoLab.


To-Do List

A simple to-do list that lets you lists task, add task, mark and delete tasks.


A jQuery based to-do application with CSS3 and HTML5.

Launch App

Color Game App

Color Game is a project that was completed as a part of Colt Steele's Web Developer bootcamp. It is an app that lets you practice RGB Color system.


A substantial application that uses HTML5, CSS, DOM Manipulation and Event Handling

Launch App

Technologies | Languages

HTML5 CSS3 jQuery Javascript nodeJS mongoDB expressJS Heroku Github cloud 9 Git


AWS Cloud 9 Github Sublime Mongoose